What clients say about us

Woonpartners Midden-Holland

Janssen de Jong Project Development delivered the new apartment building in the Middenwillens district in Gouda (NL) within time and budget. Managing director René Mascini of Woonpartners Midden-Holland found the collaboration very enjoyable: ''The collaboration really hungers for more and I hope we can do this even more often''.

René MasciniManaging director

Real estate company Simba BV

WindWard Roads realizes the infrastructure for the Golden Rock Resort on St. Eustatius. Peter Barnhoorn, the owner of the real estate company, is very positive about the cooperation: ''There was an excellent connection with the team from the first minute. WindWard Roads works very passionate and open-minded''.

Peter BarnhoornOwner


Hercuton built the new headquarters for the clothing brand Airforce in Zandvoort. Owner Dennis van den Horn never regretted this teamwork: ”If something is wrong, it will be dealt with and solved immediately. That’s a very pleasant collaboration”.

Dennis van den HornOwner

Halabi Holding Company

The Curaçaose Wegenbouw Maatschappij (CWM) is active in the new phase of the allotment plan Harmonie. Director and co-owner Eduardo Halabi enjoys working with CWM: ''With CWM we are certain of good work and we understand each other well. We have been working together so long for a reason''.

Eduardo HalabiDirector/ Co-owner

Fetim Group

Hercuton and Remco Ruimtebouw delivered the huge and sustainable distribution center of Fetim Group. Chief Operating Officer Erwin van den Berg and Director Pim Appel speak very highly of it: ''I have experienced Hercuton and Remco Ruimtebouw as very professional organizations that always have the customer's wishes in mind''.

Erwin van den Berg en Pim AppelChief Operating Officer en Director

Housing coperation Wonen in Limburg

OnderhoudPlus lifts the energy label of 48 apartments from F to A for the housing coperation Wonen in Limburg. Driver Ger Peeters indicates to be very satisfied: "The customer satisfaction score in this and previous projects is very high. Our investment in good chain cooperation pays off here.''

Ger PeetersDirector

BBM Architects

Meesters In restored the Dragon Fountain at the Central Station of 's-Hertogenbosch. Project Manager of BBM Architects Maikel Niël relies on the craftsmanship of Meesters In: ''Meesters IN is one of the few stonemasonry companies in the Netherlands that can handle this work''.

Maikel NiëlProjectmanager


Janssen de Jong Bouw is building three country houses with approximately 150 housing units and facilities for vulnerable elderly people. Operations Manager Arno Nijholt of Quarijn is very satisfied: ''I already had the feeling in the tendering phase: I would like to work with these people."

Arno NijholtManager Business Operations

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