The Supervisory Board of JAJO consists of the following members:

Hans Smits (Chairman)

Hans Smits (Chairman)

Hans Smits studied Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology and he studied Business Administration at the interfaculty of Rotterdam. Hans Smits worked as President Director at the Port of Rotterdam Authority N.V., was Chairman of the Executive Board at Rabobank Nederland, President Director at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and Secretary General of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In addition to his many years of management experience in – amongst others – the construction sector, Hans Smits adds a broad strategic and organizational background.


Ine Frings - van de Spijker

Ine Frings – van de Spijker

Ine Frings studied Business Economics at Tilburg University and Law and Economics in France. She has held various management positions at KPN, was regional director at ProRail, member of the board of Heijmans Infra and partner at Boer & Croon Executive search and interim management. She is a board member of Simac Techniek NV. Besides her activities at Simac, Ine is also active in the Supervisory Board of Eindhoven City Marketing, Light Art Festival GLOW and Bex* Communications and is a member of several networks in Brainport Eindhoven. With her many years of managerial experience and her knowledge and insight in the field of organizational development and human resource management, Ine Frings is a valuable member of JAJO’s Supervisory Board.

JAJO’s Board of Directors consists of:

Ivo van der Mark, CEO

Ivo van der Mark, CEO

“The power of a strategy is not only the plan, but also the knowledge of all the fallen-off scenarios…”


  • New Board Member at Nyenrode Business University
  • Commercial Construction Engineering at The Hague University of Applied Sciences/The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • Bouwtechnische Bedrijfskunde at Avans Hogeschool Tilburg

Work experience:

  • Working within JAJO since 2013 of which since 2016 General Director of Business Housing. Since January 1, 2020 Chairman of the Board and CEO of JAJO.
  • 6,5 years Senior Commercial Manager at Heembouw.