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Netherlands, Caribbean and Poland

From the 1950s, the first mergers and acquisitions of construction-related companies took place. The number of companies continued to grow and in 1964 the then affiliated companies of Verenigde Bedrijven Janssen & De Jong B.V. were merged into a holding company, the later Janssen de Jong Groep. Since the late 1990s we have been active in Poland in addition to the Netherlands and the Caribbean.

JAJO Closing the circle together contentpagina 620x375 px

Necessary change

Closing the circle, together refers on the one hand to JAJO’s subsidiaries. These are active in all phases of the real estate cycle. They develop, build, maintain, repair and harvest. Together they form a strong and unique combination enabling clients to be supported in all phases of real estate. On the other hand, it underlines that the necessary change in the real estate sector is only possible by working together with the whole chain of partners, suppliers, clients and competitors. We make every effort to minimize our negative environmental impact.